Zen Meditation Master

Are you ready to finally master your emotions and become a calmer person?
Would you like to enjoy a clearer mind? One that is immune from stress, and naturally cushioned from the craziness of the outside world?
Most people try meditation or mindfulness. But this normally takes years of daily practice to begin seeing even the smallest of benefits. Others use medication to achieve a calmer state, yet this can often be both dangerous and addictive.
Thankfully, there’s a better way.
A method for installing that calm Zen energy direct into your mind, allowing you to maintain peace and wisdom in the face of chaos -- all without making any conscious change to your daily routine.
All you need to do is take a ‘digital medicine shot’ once a day, for a week.
Introducing Upcalm-12.
What is Upcalm-12?
Upcalm-12 is a ‘digital medicine shot’, guaranteed to help you unlock that deep, calm, relaxed-focus state of flow, typically associated with Zen monk-like meditation.
To ‘take’ the shot, you just listen to a simple 15-minute audio.
This audio contains the active ingredient Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), and specifically follows the powerful ‘Advanced Mindfulness’ protocol, encoded by NLP master practitioner, Julie-Ann Amos.
The audio uses NLP to ‘rewire’ your thinking patterns, allowing you to develop a more holistic Zen mindset, all on autopilot.
Be calmer, be more present, be ready for anything the world throws at you. You’ll become unflappable, quicker than you ever thought possible.
Deep Change for a Calmer You
Enjoy more calm focus, regain emotional control, and shield your mind from the intensity of negative feelings.
Plus, you’ll begin to experience the benefits of Upcalm-12 as soon as you start, including:
- Maintain a Zen-like state of flow throughout the day
- Boost your existing meditation practice, effortlessly
- Dissolve all negative emotions before they’re even felt
- Move through all stressful situations with a calm attitude
Remember: You don’t need to make any conscious change to your lifestyle to begin seeing the benefits of Upcalm-12. Simply take the ‘digital shot’ and see the gains for yourself.
Ready to get started?
Click below to discover Upcalm-12 for yourself.
Suggested dose: Listen once per day, for one week. Take additional top-up doses as required.
Techniques used: Advanced ‘Rapid’ Mindfulness, paired with Metaphor and Hypnosis protocols. This audio also incorporates Anchoring; Submodalities; Feeling Amplification; Hypnotic Language Patterns (including Ambiguity, Fractionation, Command Language, Embedded Commands, Linkage Language, Process Language).