Be Happy

Are you ready to feel more consistently happy, joyful and alive?
Would you like to break free of low-level depression, embrace a more positive outlook, and begin experiencing a lighter way of living, each day?
It’s common for people to experience a ‘dullness’ in life, after some time.
Some attempt to combat this through positive thinking or self-help material. Others opt for exercise, or anti-depressants.
Thankfully, there’s a quicker way.
A method for bringing more happiness into your life, seeing the positive side of things, and enjoying every single minute of your day -- all without making any conscious change to your daily routine.
All you need to do is take a ‘digital pill’ once a day, for a week.
Introducing Vitantine-25.
What is Vitantine-25?
Vitantine-25 is a ‘digital pill’, guaranteed to help you get through each day feeling joyful.
To ‘take’ the pill, you just listen to a simple 15-minute audio.
This audio contains the active ingredient Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), and specifically follows the powerful ‘Advanced Movie Screen Reframe’ protocol, encoded by NLP master practitioner, Julie-Ann Amos.
The audio uses NLP to ‘rewire’ your thinking patterns, allowing you to consistently feel better about the way life is unfolding. You’ll begin to feel happier, more content, and more ‘in the flow’, automatically.
And you won’t feel ‘numb’ (as you might with anti-depressants) or spaced-out happy (as you might with drugs). You’ll just feel like a better version of you, able to handle whatever the world throws at you, take all the action you need, while still feeling good, strong, content, and calm.
Deep Change for a Happier You
By simply taking this digital 'pill', your mood will shift back to a more consistent, elevated state.
From the first time you listen to Vitantine-25, you’ll:
- Feel happier and more content, each and every day
- Be able to handle regular daily stressors, with calm
- Put an end to ‘dullness’ and begin enjoying life again
- Become more positive, while keeping it real
- Sleep better each night, due to worry reduction
Remember: You don’t need to make any conscious change to your lifestyle to begin seeing the benefits of Vitantine-25. Simply take the ‘digital pill’ and see the gains for yourself.
Ready to get started?
Click below to discover Vitantine-25 for yourself.
Suggested dose: Listen once per day, for one week. Take additional top-up doses as required.
Techniques used: Advanced Movie Reframe, paired with Submodality Shift and Visualization protocols. This audio also incorporates Anchoring; Feeling Amplification; Hypnotic Language Patterns (including Ambiguity, Fractionation, Command Language, Embedded Commands, Linkage Language, Process Language).