Sharper Thinking

Would you like to have a sharper brain?
To think faster and quicker? To be wittier, more insightful, more mentally agile?
Perhaps you’ve already tried tricky brain training exercises, or committed to reading more each night. But making a deep-level change with such surface-level practices is both difficult and slow.
Thankfully, there’s a better way.
A method of internalizing new information faster, of connecting the dots even under duress, and coming up with ideas and angles that no-one else is thinking of -- all without making any conscious change to your daily routine.
All you need to do is take a ‘digital pill’ once a day, for a week.
Introducing Cereceler-A.
What is Cereceler-A?
Cereceler-A is a ‘digital pill’, guaranteed to help you think sharper, faster, and more critically.
To ‘take’ the pill, you just listen to a simple 15-minute audio.
This audio contains the active ingredient Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), and specifically follows the powerful ‘Advanced Movie Reframe’ protocol, encoded by NLP master practitioner, Julie-Ann Amos.
The audio uses NLP to ‘rewire’ your thinking patterns, allowing you to access everything you need, quicker. Your brain will seem to be working faster, as it enjoys a deeper understanding of tasks and situations, more rapidly than ever before.
Thinking on your feet and solving complex problems will become your new-found superpower.
Deep Change for a Quicker Brain
Give your brain a boost of power and start approaching work and life situations from the standpoint of a quick-thinking individual.
You'll experience the incredible benefits of Cereceler-A from day one, including:
- Become the go-to person for great ideas
- Start thinking more quickly and clearly
- Develop smarter thought processes
- Make sound judgements, even when under pressure
- Improve your wit, sharpening your comedic edge
Remember: You don’t need to make any conscious change to your lifestyle to begin seeing the benefits of Cereceler-A. Simply take the ‘digital pill’ and see the gains for yourself.
Ready to get started?
Click below to discover Cereceler-A for yourself.
Suggested dose: Listen once per day, for one week. Take additional top-up doses as required.
Techniques used: Advanced Movie Reframe, paired with Submodality Shift and Visualization protocols. This audio also incorporates Anchoring; Feeling Amplification; Hypnotic Language Patterns (including Ambiguity, Fractionation, Command Language, Embedded Commands, Linkage Language, Process Language).